Sunday, 10 April 2016

6 Days To Go!

The past two weeks have been somewhat fraught for us at TwentySomething. Nothing too serious, nobody died, we haven't declared bankruptcy (yet). But it's been a stress-filled fortnight none the less.

However, instead of regaling you with the many hurdles we've jumped, I want to talk about the many people who've helped us out. It's something you hear about all the time when professional creatives discuss how they started and who supported and encouraged their work. It's the first chapter of their autobiography or the first scene of the documentary on their work. (My mantra for the past week or so has been, 'this will sound good in the memoirs.')

We're lucky enough to boast some pretty talented, creative individuals amongst our friends. This has become even more apparent as we reached out to the people around us to help with Hell Has No Fury and TwentySomething in general. They've taken time out from university work, real paid work, and general life to help us out. From our logo (designed by the wonderful Katie Wilkinson) to Julian who''s teching the show, to Dundee Rep and DU Opsoc who"ve let us raid their wardrobe and prop departments to Medea herself (Rowan Hall) to everyone who has bought and will buy a ticket; we're incredibly grateful.

It's amazing to me that we're getting to do this, that we're getting to make theatre with people we want to work with, take it to several venues, go to Prague Fringe and have people watch this thing that we've made.

As the title suggests it's a under a week until the big day. Just a few rehearsals, some tech time and several gins (for me, not Medea) and we'll be ready. We're so excited to share Hell Has No Fury.

Here's to more collaborating and more productions. And more thank you's, cause we can't say it often enough.

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