Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Shows. All the shows.

Edinburgh Fringe 2018 kicks off this week and I have to say, staring down the barrel of it without a show to worry about, isn't exactly the worst thing in the world. Mostly because it means I have much more time to actually see shows! Who knew that was the point in the whole thing?

So instead of being bombarded by TwentySomething news, I thought I'd bombard you with my very scientific and entirely unbiased top show picks for the Fringe this year. 
By no means are they shows either made by people I know or ones I want to see myself... Of course not. I'm a theatre professional. Nae favouritism here.

My home for the Fringe is at Summerhall and the whole programme looks amazing. I started going through my copy by turning down the pages with shows I wanted to see... the thing looks like a concertina artwork now. However, my top pick is -

Everything Not Saved 
I saw Malaprop's two shows at Summerhall last year and was completely in love with them both. I'm literally still telling people how good BlackCatfishMusketeer was. Everything Not Saved is going to be my first show at Summerhall Fringe and I cannot wait. 

I'll also be spending a fair bit of time at my old Fringe home, Assembly, mostly to see these two -

Fringe Wives Club Glittery Clittery 
I've been waiting for this show to make it's way to Edinburgh ever since it started in Adelaide. Everyone I know who's been to see it has absolutely loved it. It promises sequin covered feminism  and I have no doubt it's going to live up to the hype. 

The Dragon and the Whales 
My pals at Modest Predicament have put together a beautiful children's show which will be on at Assembly Roxy at 12pm every day. I have it under good authority that it is not just a children's show, but also the perfect way to cheer up a hungover morning. 

My last recommendation is more like life advice. Go see this show. It will be good for you.

Hot Brown Honey 
If you haven't seen HBH before, you haven't done Edinburgh Fringe right. Their show is incredible. It's important. It's hilarious. It will recharge you and send you back out into Fringe madness feeling empowered and ready to change the effing world. GO SEE IT.

Moving across town, our spy on the inside, Rebecca Low has given me her top picks from the Traverse programme. She recommends Underground Railroad Game, Class and Coriolanus Vanishes. 

Which leads us quite nicely to our final recommendation of EdFringe18

Youthquake : The Breakfast Plays 
So I might have told a tiny white lie when I said I didn't have a show to worry about. Amazingly I was chosen to write a Breakfast Play for the Traverse (*cue mild panic*). And so my play Squall will be on from Wednesday 15th. 
Although it's on at 9am, the joyous thing is you get a cup of tea and a breakfast roll with your ticket. So come for the bacon, stay for the theatre. 

So, hope y'all enjoy your Fringe. Look after yourselves. See shows. Have fun cause one day it'll be September and the whole thing will be over.

Sweeney x

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